Can Ginkgo Biloba Make Tinnitus Worse? (Hint: Possibly)

Ginkgo Biloba - Can it Make Tinnitus Worse?


Although Ginkgo Biloba is shown in some instances to help reduce tinnitus, some people actually get a contra-effect. The circulation-enhancing effects of Ginkgo Biloba might lead to an increase in the sensation of buzzing and ringing in the ears, making tinnitus appear worse. If you have tinnitus, it’s best to check with your doctor before taking Ginkgo.

Ginkgo Biloba and Tinnitus

The Ginkgo Biloba tree is a living fossil. It has been around for over 200 million years and has survived the extinction of the dinosaurs. The leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree are used in traditional Chinese medicine, as they are believed to have medicinal properties.

Tinnitus is a condition that causes a person to hear ringing, buzzing or other sounds in their ears. The condition can be caused by an injury to the ear or head, or by exposure to loud noises. Tinnitus can be temporary or permanent and it is often linked with hearing loss, stress and anxiety.

Ginkgo Biloba is believed to help with tinnitus because it helps with blood flow and circulation in the brain, which can help reduce stress levels and anxiety. It also helps with nerve and ear health, which can help reduce ringing or buzzing in the ears.

However, while rare, some people might actually experience an increase in tinnitus symptoms from Ginkgo Biloba. This is a phenomenon that has not been looked into much by researchers. But there are some studies that might give us an answer.

Why and how does this occur? The answer is said to be unclear, but might involve an over-production of hydrogen sulfide gas in the brain, which causes inflammation and irritation.

Why Ginkgo Biloba Could Affect Tinnitus

It is not uncommon for people to suffer from tinnitus, which can be described as a ringing in the ear. It is a common symptom of hearing loss and can also be caused by some medical conditions such as high blood pressure, anemia or diabetes.

Tinnitus sufferers may also experience Ginkgo Biloba extract worsening tinnitus symptoms. This is because Ginkgo Biloba extract has been found to cause some people to have a sensitive reaction that causes their tinnitus symptoms to worsen. There are also some cases where ginkgo biloba can make tinnitus worse by causing an increase in blood flow to the ears.

You’d be forgiven that Ginkgo Biloba is a harmless cure-all panacea, it in fact has a long list of side effects, and unfortunately tinnitus could be one of them (albeit in rare cases).

Can Nootropics Like Ginkgo Make Tinnitus Worse?

Many people use nootropics to help improve their cognitive abilities. Some of these include ginkgo biloba, caffeine and even nicotine. The idea is that these supplements will also increase the chance of stopping tinnitus or make it worse.

Many people with tinnitus are advised to avoid any type of stimulants because they could increase the frequency of ringing in their ears or make it worse. And while some studies show that ginkgo biloba may cause tinnitus worse among some users, the jury is still out on whether or not this is a risk for everyone with tinnitus.

Ginko’s effects on tinnitus primarily come from its ability to increase blood flow to the brain and to increase oxygen levels in the brain, which helps create new neurons. A 2004 Cochrane Review found that for patients with tinnitus, there is little evidence for or against the effectiveness of ginkgo biloba, despite a large number of trials being conducted. Some claims have been made that ginkgo biloba may attenuate tinnitus but again, this is just as poorly researched as is the topic of Ginkgo making tinnitus symptoms worse.

Potential Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba for Tinnitus

One study found that Ginkgo Biloba, a plant extract, was effective in reducing the severity of tinnitus in some patients. Ginkgo Biloba has vascular properties that may help repair blood vessels. In this study, the researchers were looking for a way to reduce blood flow to the cochlea and preserve its function in patients with severe tinnitus who had high levels of age-related hearing loss and an increased likelihood of vascular problems.

Other Nootropics to Consider If You Have Tinnitus

Some of the best nootropics for tinnitus are as follows:

Piracetam is a nootropic that improves concentration and memory. It also reduces anxiety levels, which is helpful for people with tinnitus because it can cause stress and anxiety.

Vitamin C will help reduce inflammation in the body which in turn helps reduce the likelihood of experiencing tinnitus symptoms. Other antioxidants like selenium help reduce free radicals which can damage cells and increase the chances of experiencing tinnitus symptoms.

Folate lowers homocysteine levels in your body, lower homocysteine levels are linked to tinnitus symptoms.

Magnesium is one of the most common minerals in our bodies which is essential for maintaining a healthy heart, regulating body temperature and making DNA. Low levels of magnesium have been linked to tinnitus symptoms as well as migraines and anxiety.


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